This is a very loh-so post
Pls don't read if you are feeling sleepy..
You all must be thinking, who in the world is Mr Ramachandra Muthusamy Kulanthaivelu?
Ans: He's someone who passed away on Wednesday.
Well, people pass away everyday, so why am I getting so emotional about it?
If you have 5 minutes to spare, please take a look at this article.
Ystd, while reading the New Paper in the train, I came across this article
My eyes went all misty after reading it
but I tried to control myself as it would seem silly to tear while reading the papers
The demise of this kind-hearted man is a great loss to this world.
He made a difference and changed the lives of countless people, and also the 150 cats.
It really touched me as I didn't know such selfless, altruistic people even existed in Singapore, a society where people seem to do certain things for a motive/when they stand to gain from it
It gave me a whole new perspective of what it truly means by being a good person.
I think it's more important to FEEL good and have a clear conscience, instead of trying to show people what a good person you are.
Some may not like me, but that's okay
I'm not perfect and I didn't come here to play Jesus
I know perfectly well what kind of person I am and I don't need to prove it to anybody
Yup, I know was a pretty lousy friend.
I'm trying to work on being a better one to the people who have never gave up on me.
Can't guarantee immediate transformation, though.
Can't guarantee immediate transformation, though.
but I'll take baby steps towards that goal :D
Some things may have changed now, but the good times will always serve as a reminiscence.
All right, enough of the emotional talk.
Ystd after exams, our Business Law tutor gave us a treat at Tambuah Mas restaurant.
He's really cute, ain't he?
I think he's exactly like Mr Ramachandra.
He's a very caring and sincere teacher
Not just because he gave us a treat, but also all the things he'd done for us, including helping us so much in our Business Law ICA 2.
He didn't need to do all that for us, but he still chose to and I know that it came sincerely from his heart.
When he gave us the CDs that contained our photos, I swear everybody went 'aww' on the spot
He's just so sweet :)
Thank you so much teacher, you're such an angel.
Not bad.. but i prefer the one at House of Sundanese
Shan't talk much about the food, it was so-so only.
But the meal was pleasant, nevertheless.
It's always the company that makes a meal enjoyable, isn't it?
Thanks for all your concern (you know who you are)
It makes me feel better knowing that there are people who actually care :)
We had group shots and split ways after that.
Went to Chinatown to get my measurements done alone, spent some me-time with myself.
Did some pondering and sorted out my thoughts.
For now, I'll just let nature take its course.
Lastly, I want to thank my teacher again.
Even a million thanks couldn't express how grateful I am to him.
But I still want to say, Thank you Mr Lee!
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