went to school early today to see the admin officer and do project with my team mates
we did our project for only 20 minutes.. lol
cherie & i spent the time talking about the HK shows we love and bla
that girl makes me laugh so hard, i could almost feel wrinkles surfacing soon
i even choked and teared!!!
and also, we share the same husband!
we take turns to have him, no fighting okay.
xiang qin xiang ai de :D
i love to crap with her, it's just laughing all the way~!
during lab lesson, we were allowed to go off at 3 (1 hr earlier)
so the 5 of us, (beng, xinghui, ahmad, jessie & me) went to pizzahut to have our lunch
Hawaiian Lovers is the LOVE. i dont get sick of it.
it was hard to concentrate on eating when xinghui kept making us laugh
& ahmad was imitating some ppl.. *not to be disclosed*
after eating, we went to the playground opposite to act like some little kids
chased away the little kids there and played on the swings
& then climbed on the 'spiderweb', relieving some childhood memories..
it was helluva fun time!!! though we sweated like pigs =/
and on the way back to amk mrt, all a sudden
we came up with a silly idea
we're the 6 power rangers supreme sexy~ (including ah quan, which was absent on this very important day!!!)
i'm the yellow ranger Cutie Pie xD
while we were making our way towards the mrt station,
i saw a little girl crying 'mummy mummy, where are u'
something like that..
then i stopped and looked at her
the other rangers and a passerby also stopped
and we asked her where was her mummy all that..
she just kept quiet all the way and kept nodding her head
so we brought her around to ask if her mother was in the vicinity
it aroused the attention of many KPOs, u know those who only know how to gather and look?
beng was very nice.. he went to buy a bottle of mineral water & sweets for the little girl
then blablabla. we finally helped her to find her mother in the end.
AND SO, the almighty power rangers saved the day once again~
don't we all love them? :D
20/05/08 is the official day of the formation of the PRSS!

i love bosco, Cherie stop fighting with me for him!!!!! Greedy girl. wahahaha