Sunday, 31st Aug
Thats it. Its the last time I will ever bring my brother out on outings w/ friends again.
Went to Bugis with Joanne & my brother yesterday.
Had to bring my him along as there was nobody at home to look after him. BIGGEST MISTAKE.
We shopped & ate at bugis happily, and then he started to complain he wanted to go home.
He kept asking me to bring him home, and I'm like, It's not even night time yet!!
In the end, my maid cabbed down and brought him home.

Next, we went to far east to look for Cecilia & Gary
Waited for Cecilia's pedi session to end, headed to Cine HK cafe to eat.

Sweet couple :)

After eating, we all went down to Ehub @ Downtown East to catch the movie Wall-E with Gene & WeiXian
This movie is really.. Wall E, Eve, Wall E, Eve, all the way.
No comments actually. 2.5/5 stars.


The bowling centre. Looks futuristic eh?
Ferris Wheel inside the mall
Supper @ a nearby kopitiam, then we cabbed to Teck Whye to Cecilia's house for Mahjong
Played from 4am all the way till 9am in the morning.
Because I kept throwing cannon to Gene & he diao zeng for consec. 4 rounds
After the North wind ended we all were damn shag.
Joanne & I went home after that.