My face is so blotchy after facial. ARGH.
Went to find Joanne at around 5pm, acc-ed her to collect her mc at polyclinic..
Then we went to Lot 1 to eat MOF -> Ministry of Food.
We love the ice cream there! =D
Left: Jo's, Right: Mine.
Their cookies & cream flavour is the BEST.Acc-ed Joanne to Sakae to eat her fav soft shell crabs.That was my initial plan, to watch her eat only#1. I'm saving $ for some stuff.#2. I was full from the 3 scoops of ice-cream & lunch earlier on.But when we were seated inside, suddenly I couldn't care less.Seeing so much delicious food & not eat?CruelI'll be doing myself a disservice if I don't.
Tuck in!!!
Less than 5 minutes after. Chawanmushi gone! This shows how nice it is ^^
"Sushi on the run"
Caption by Joanne. Laughs*
We must have spent at least 2 hours in there..
Talking about anything & everything.
I love long chats =D
Headed to Gena's hse to teach her maths.
Expectedly, the teaching session lasted not more than 15 mins.
And something funny happened.
Gena's hse phone rang & her sis thought it was Guo Zhong
So she passed it to me as GZ wanted to speak to me earlier on..
Conversation went like this..
Me: Hello? Hao jiu bu jian! (long time no see)
Caller: Hello? *speaking some gibberish that I didn't understand*
Me: Wa.. Ni de sheng yin hao xiang bu yi yang le leh! (your voice seems to be different)
Caller: You meh? (Have meh?) *Laughlaughlaugh*
Me: Haha. Hao xiao ah? (Funny ah?)
Caller: Ah Ling leh???
Me: ??? Shui shi ah ling?? (who is ah ling?)
Caller: Ni ma ma lor. (your mother lor) Ah Ling la!!!
Me: Siao ah? Wo de ma ma na li shi Ah Ling! (my mother is not AhLing)
Then Gena took the phone and said,
"Ah Gong La!"
Walau. Joke of the day can?!
I still thought GZ was trying to be funny.
Then Jo & I began playing with the webcam with her sis.
You should have seen how excited Jo was!
Afterall, it's her first time webcam-ing. HAHA.
Looked through the letters Jo wrote to Gena when we were in primary sch
And the birthday card that Gena forced me to write to her.
Laugh till our sides split!
Went home at 10+ as Gena wanted to sleep.
Alright, I shall stop here.
Goin to do my tutorial homework now.
I'm a changed me!
Just call me Miss Hardworking =)