Friday, June 27, 2008
Spelling test for ya suckers. How do you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
and here i am blogging, and nodding at Zhang Qian pretending to listen to what she's saying.
Jessie & I gave Chewy's bday lunch @ Sakae a miss because of this project. boo~
I bet they're enjoying their food now.
Eating=Clique's Love
My dear friends.. Don't blame me for not updating please.
I've had my hands tied with endless projects this week
They're like neverending.. 一个接一个 ,来了又来 ~ :(
Monday - PizzaHut with clique
Tuesday - Nothing. Boring day
Wednesday - Movie with Gwennie (You Don't Mess With the Zohan)
Thursday & Today - Projects, Projectsx, and Projectsxz. Exciting right.
This post is just to add some words and spaces into my mushrooms infested bloggie.
Didn't mean to bore you with this boring post of mine.
Gotta run now. Bye!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Overslept, didn't go to school for project.
Walked around in Amk hub while waiting for Sky
I think i walked around the whole mall he also havent arrived yet
After 123456789 years later he finally reached and we went to buy tix for the 9.25pm show for Kungfu Panda.
Saw Douglas bro. I missed him so much!!!!
Bumped into Thomas too.
Dinner was at New York New York, the Q was so long!!!!
Anyway, it was a funny dinner.
Did so many stupid stunts. Sometimes i really don't understand why i'm so crappy.

What Sky had for dinner. Tell me, what does this resemble?
Delicious Creamy Spagetti w/ Pork Chop! (Mine)
Chocolate Mudpie~
Kungfu Panda was hilarious! You guys should really go watch it.
I love Po, he's so adorable~ and Master Wugui~ hahaha
After the movie, we went to kbox & sang until 2. Cabbed home.
Tuesday, 17th Jun
Went to school to do project with groupmates.
After that, Cherie & I headed to Cheryl's house together with Elwin, Beng & Jessie.
It's Mahjong time!!! hehehe
Xinghui joined us after that.
And i lost $14 in the end T_T
As usual, mahjong sessions with Xh is always hilarious ;D
Today, 18th Jun
Met up with Joanne to Bugis & cabbed to Selegie House to get our pay for the Pc Show
Shopped at Bugis Junction but saw nothing that caught our eyes
Had lunch at Mac & then headed to Chinatown.
Bought some lingerie & more silk PJs to add to our collection ^^
Next Stop, Marina Square.
Bought 3 spags, 1 polo tee, a handbag & a one-shoulder top from MNG
2 eyeshadows from Make Up Store
1 pair of sandals from M)phosis
Total Damage: $200
Ahhh. Time to cut down on my expenses.
Been spending way too much nowadays :(
Saturday, June 14, 2008

kbox, ton-ing, working. :(
i seriously am lacking of sleep.
& i swear that i look like a zombie now.
i'll just skip the things that happened the past few days cos its so long ago.
time passed so S-L-O-W @ work yesterday.
oh yeah, joanne & i are working at the pc show which is @ suntec convention centre
after work sky came to find us then we cabbed down to parklane
had mac for supper and they went to play pool
while i went to play arcade mahjong. i swear that is so boring
a guy asked me to take over his game, which had 60 over credits!
and i happily agreed and lost it until left kosong credit hahaha.
went to the crew room to find jonas.
watched the uefa match & drank a little.
shit leh, why draw?
make my hunk adrian mutu cry lor.
when everyone was watching the match i kept exclaiming how hot he is!! hahaha
had wanted to stay longer to watch the next match, but joanne was tired already
so we cabbed home.. then sky came over to my hse to sleep
watch a bit of forensic heroes 2 then we go to sleep already
today morning wake up to go to work then he went home..
went home after work as i was really very tired.
i need some sleep la~
tomorrow's the last day of pc show, which means after that i can go out to play everyday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Cherie's & Mad's Bday Celebration :D
Probably goin back to sleep after this.
Okay start!
Yesterday, met up with the clique @ Amk Hub to buy remaining food for the bbq
Then met up with Cheryl & co. to East Coast.
Chilled there while waiting for Marina & co. to come & the food caterer to arrive.
And once it arrived, they started cooking!
yes THEY.. not me =x
The whole time we were just eating & gambling our time away~
The weather was really good yesterday, actually planned to go cycling
but in the end everyone just sat there and played poker =/
Boring sial.
You must be wondering..
How can gambling be boring leh???
Ans: Cos yesterday was just not my day as i lost a lot of money :(((
And i would like to introduce a shop called 'Rive Gauche' from taka
the chocolate cake is FABFABFAB!!!
I was drooling when Cheryl brought out the cake, & i'm not exagerrating.
it's really NICE. i helped myself to a big slice of it :D

Needless to say, they started smashing cakes on each other.
Heng i ate mine already. If not it will be so wasted :(
But Cherie & Cheryl still smeared cake on my arm as they decided tt i was too 'clean'
At night, we went to the beachside to chill & cam-whore
-Pics not available as i havent got them from Cheryl yet-
Aftermath, we went back to the pit to play Dai dee cos i wanted to FAN BEN!!!
But sadly..
Everytime when i try to recoup my losses, i end up losing even more!!!
I didnt win a single round in Dai dee -.- HOW CAN IT BE???
SHIT right.
i ended up paying money to everyone, and earned nothing.
it must be the stupid Viwawa thats making me a bit slow
We also went to the mini tower to slack & talk abt some paranormal stuff ^^
hahaha. i think i'm the most hum one over there.
Walk up/down the spiral staircase also must be in the middle. lol
In the end, only the 5 of us (Cheryl, Cherie, Bro, Xh & I) went to Cheryl's house for an overnight mahjong session
And again, i lost the most.
Heng Cherie & Xh didnt count us $$$ in the end.
If not i'll be damn broke. T_T
From 1, we played until 7.30am then just nice we walked over to Mac to have breakfast
and went home after that..
Was supposed to meet my groupmates for project but in the end i overslept
*sigh* the girls are so sweet, they didn't blame me or whatsoever
Make me feel damn guilty.. Sorry sorry :(